Fts 19 V14asp Istimewa Persela Mod Apk Obb+Data
⇉ Download Fts 19 V14asp Istimewa Persela Mod Apk Obb+Data Now! ⇇
File Informasi :
- Nama : FTS 19 V14asp PERSELA
- Mod By : Asep Ifan86
- Didukung Android : 4.0 Up
- Versions Game : 14
- Mode : Offline
- Size : 300 Mb
- Password : -
- Info lebih lanjut : Google Play
Download Link
- New Spesial PERSELA
- New Background PERSELA
- New Button PERSELA
- New Radar PERSELA
- New Sountrack : PERSELA
- New Grass HD
- New Shader HD
- Etc
[[ PLEASE READ ]] How To Install
- Download the Game, and then install and Play it.
- For a game that uses the Data/Obb in its game, don't forget to download the "Obb" files/"SD" file, before you play it.
- If the File is .zip or. rar files. Then, Extract the first File to your sdcard. (If asked for a password, enter: www.gapmod.com).
- Then move the extracted folder to the location: /sdcard/Android/obb or if it has not been successful, you can put it in: /phone/Android/obb.
- After that, you go to the game and play. Completed.
Supported for Android version:
For Android: v4.0 – v4.0.4 [Ice Cream Sandwich], v4.1 – v4.3.1 [Jelly Bean], v4.4 – v4.4.4 [KitKat], v5.0 – v5.0.2 [Lollipop], v6.0 [Marshmallow], and UP. If this game cannot be installed on your Android device, try repeating the installation steps that I have explained above, try rereading and understanding it carefully and if it still cannot be installed, chances are the game version does not match the version of the device you have . Please find another game on this site, because there are lots of games that I have shared.