Uni Android Tool 7.0 Full Version Crack
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Uni Android Tool 7.0 Full Version Crack
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Total Size : 158.MB
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Cara Isntal Uni Android Tool 7.0 Full Version Crack
1. Agan Extrak yang sudah agan download , dan masukan password yang kau sudah sediakan pada link di atas.
2. Buka Folder Uni Android Tool 7.0 Full Version Crack yang agan sudah Extrak barusan dan cari aplikasi file yang bernama Uni-Android-Loader.vmp.zp , kemudian klik kanan takan Muse Run Administrator, dan tunggu hingga 5/10 Detik maka Software Uni Android Tool 7.0 Full Version Crack agan dapat akan gunakan.
Fiktur Kerja Software Uni Android Tool 7.0
How to Enable USB Debugg
1. Goto Settings > About
2. Tap 7 Times on Build number to Enable Developers Option
3. Again Goto Setting > Developers Options and Enable USB Debugg.
1. Press and Hold Powerkey+Volume Up
2. Keep Pressing Till fastboot Appers on Device Screen
How to Enable USB Debugg
1. Goto Settings > About
2. Tap 7 Times on Build number to Enable Developers Option
3. Again Goto Setting > Developers Options and Enable USB Debugg.
Download Mode
1. Press Volume Up + Power Key
2. Device will be in Download Mode Press Again Volume Up.
Qualcomm Direct Unlock
1 - Dial *#0808# Chose DM+Modem+ADB
2 - Connect Usb cable and Install Driver if need
3 - Select Samsung Serial port and click unlock Button
if Device Android Version 5.x.x or Higher then
1 - Root the device
2 - Connect usb cable and enable usb debbug
3 - Going to Samsung Tab -> Utilities -> Click Enable Diag Button
4 - Dial *#0808# Chose DM+Modem+ADB
5 - Select Samsung Serial port and click unlock Button
Exynos Direct Unlock
1 - Connect Device and install drivers
2 - Scan and Select modem port
3 - Click Direct Unlock, if not done may you need downgrade modem
Spreadrum Direct Unlock
1 - Connect Device and install drivers
2 - Scan and Select modem port
3 - Click Direct Unlock.
Spreadrum Read/Write Cert
1. Goto Settings > About
2. Tap 7 Times on Build number to Enable Developers Option
3. Again Goto Setting > Developers Options and Enable USB Debugg.
MTK Meta Mode IMEI
1 - Power off device
2 - Type 14 digt imei in IMEI Fields
3 - Connect usb cable and press & hold power button
4 - Click Repair IMEI Button
5 - install drivers if needed
1 - Enable usb debugging
2 - Root the device
3 - Connect device type 14 digt imei and Press imei Repair button
MTK Direct Unlock
1 - Enable usb debugging
2 - Root the device
3 - Connect device and Click on Direct Unlock button
How to Enable EDL Mode [9008 QDloader Port]
1. Press and Hold Volume Up and Volume Down
2. Insert USB Cable and Scan for 9008 QDloader Port
3. In Some Cases Requires Deep Edl Cable or need to Find Test Points.
How to Enable Fastboot
1. Press and Hold Volume Down and Powert Button
2. fastboot will Appear on device screen
How to Write IMEI
1. Root The Device
2. Goto Qualcomm -> Security Tab
3. Click Enable Diag and install drivers.
4. Scan and Select DIAG port.
5. Click on Repair IMEI Button.
6. if not done you may need to Backup seucirty and then Wipe Security.
How to Write IMEI by Vestel_Venus Method
1. Dial #*20081111#
2. Open(Enable) Test Switch Mode
3. Restart Device and Install Diag Drivers.
4. Type 15 digt IMEI and Click on Repair IMEI Button.
Cukup sekian terimaskih agan telah membaca artikel kami, hingga jumpa di tutorial berkikutnya kami akan bahas lagi untuk cara mengunakan Uni Android Tool 7.0 untuk cara flash , write imei ,Bypass Mi Clud, Frp Akun Google , Dan bypass pola atau sandi, kami akan bahas di artikel berikutnya wasalam.