Dance Dance Revolution Love

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A life kafe starts at 50%. it increases with steps judged great or better and decreases with steps judged almost or lower. if your life kafe drops below 25% it turns red, when it runs out then you fail the song. unlike other scratch ddr games the lifebar increases slowly for great or better, almost. Dance dance revolution supernova 2, sometimes abbreviated as ddr sn2, was released on august 22, 2007 by konami to japanese arcades and on february 21, 2008 for the playstation 2 counterpart. in north america, a slightly different playstation 2 version was released first on september 25, 2007 before that region's arcade release on january 17, 2008.. Ingredients dance company | min mix - jolie kingman | part 2 | you don't do it for me anymore dance - duration: 2 minutes, 27 seconds..

 it increases with steps judged great or better and decreases with steps judged almost or  Dance Dance Revolution Love

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